Tuesday 10 January 2017

Health benefits of Mangoes
Mango, full of nutrients, flavor, sweetness; is considered as King of Fruits.  The fruit is enrich in phytochemicals, polyphenols, vitamins, carotenoids, antioxidants, omega-3 and 6, etc.   It is one of the best gifts due to its multiple uses in the form of Chutneys, Pickles, Lachcha, Mango juice, Mango shakes, Panna, Mango jelly, Mango lassi, Aamras, amchur, Smoothies, Ice cream.

Mango is good for Heart Diseases: Mangoes contain Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, Potassium and Selenium. All these are effective in making your heart healthy; especially the beta-carotene, which is useful for the cardiac patients. Potassium makes your heart, nerves and muscles to work properly. Mangoes also develop the immune system because vitamin C stimulates White Blood Corpuscles s to work more efficiently thereby destroy the bacteria and germs.
Mango reduces the risk of cancer: Mangoes contain polyphenol compounds as well as quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, all are useful in reducing the risk for different types of cancer.
Mango controls blood pressure: Mangoes having low glycemic index, that maintains the blood sugar level. It balances the fat levels too.  The presence of potassium regulates the blood pressure and fluid mechanism in the body. It also solves the problems of diabetes. Its leaf liquor is good for diabetic patients.
Mangoes for glowing & shining skin: Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A which makes the skin soft and shining. When the pulp of mango is rubbed over the skin, it makes your complexion fair and maintains the moisture and make the skin glow.
Mango enhances sex urge: The fruit is rich in Vitamin E, which invigorates the hormonal mechanism and improves sex stamina. It is also full of energy so gives extra advantage.
Mangoes for eyesight: The mineral, vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, C and E are adequately present in Mangoes. It also contains flavonoids, Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin.  All these help to keep your eyes healthy, enhance your vision and prevent from various eye diseases.
Mangoes aid digestion: Mango is full of digestive enzymes like magneferin, katechol oxidase and lactase and helps to overcome the problems   related with digestion.  It has enough fibre that eases acidity and constipation. It acts like a cleanser for stomach and intestines.  It also strengthens the liver.
Mango for weight gain: When mango is taken with milk, it helps to gain weight and also the source of energy.
Cures Anemia & Helps in Pregnancy:
Mangoes are rich in iron, which makes them beneficial for people suffering from anemia. A regular, moderated intake can help eliminate anemia by increasing the red blood cell count in the body.
Mangoes are also very beneficial for pregnant woman, since the iron requirements during pregnant is extremely essential. Doctors often prescribe iron tablets during pregnancy, but instead of supplementation, you can enjoy a healthy iron-rich diet with juicy mangoes. The taste buds during pregnancy usually lose some of their sensitivity, so mangoes will surely prove to be the delight of your day, for more than just its health benefits.
Mango is useful fruit for pregnant women as it contain good amount of iron that enables to maintain the HB level and proper oxygen flow. It is suggested that problems during menstruation. Mango relaxes the muscles and prevent abortion due to presence of calcium and magnesium.
Cures Acne:
Perhaps you are surprised to know that mangoes are closely related to skin health. Other than bringing a healthy glow to your face, they also help to lighten skin color. You can easily enhance your beauty by including this tasty fruit in your diet on a regular basis.
Mangoes effectively treat acne by opening the clogged pores of the skin. Once these pores are opened, acne formation will eventually stop. Unclogging the pores of the skin is the most effective way to eliminate acne. To enjoy this benefit, there is no need to eat them every day; you need to remove the pulp and apply it on the skin for around 10 minutes, then rinse it off.
Slows the Signs of Aging:
Mangoes contain high amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C, which both help to produce collagen proteins inside the body. Collagen helps to protect blood vessels and the body’s connective tissues, thereby slowing down the skin’s natural aging process. Therefore, mangoes can rightly be called an anti-aging food. Dietary supplementation is the best way to restore your youth in a natural and delicious way.
Promotes Brain Health:
Mangoes have abundant quantities of vitamin B6, which is vital for maintaining and improving the brain’s function. These vitamins aid in the amalgamation of the major neurotransmitters that contributes in determining mood and the modification of sleeping patterns. They naturally provide significant quantities of this vitamin. With mangoes as a part of your diet, you can be assured of a healthy brain and effective nerve functioning. You will also be avoiding medicinal supplements, which have a long list of possible side effects. The Glutamine acid content in mangoes also improves concentration and the power of your memory.
Boosts Body Immunity:
As mentioned earlier, similar to carrots, mangoes are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful carotenoid. This element of mango helps in to enhance the immune system of the body and make it impervious to bacteria and toxins. Excess beta-carotene is also transformed into vitamin A inside the body. Vitamin A is another antioxidant vitamin and gives you additional protection against the free radicals that can harm your internal systems. Thus, mangoes are great choice for food items to add into your regular diet. They not only increase your chances of living a disease-free life, but is also a pleasure to eat due to its magnificent taste.
Diabetes Management and Prevention:
Further research is still ongoing, but some studies have already revealed that mangoes are a great natural remedy for diabetes. It was a long-told myth that diabetic patients should avoid mangoes because of its sweet taste; now it is being shown that other than the fruit, the mango leaves are also helpful in curing diabetes. Place 10 or 15 mango leaves in warm water and close it with a lid before going to bed. In the morning, drink the water on an empty stomach after filtering the leaves. Regular practice of this method has shown positive results for diabetic patients in the management of their blood sugar levels.

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