Tuesday 10 January 2017

Benefits of Papaya
Papaya is rich in valuable nutrients and has a delicious taste. Its strong antioxidant properties may help reduce your risk of many diseases, especially the ones that tend to come with age, such as heart disease and cancer. It may also defend against the visible signs of aging, helping your skin remain smooth and youthful. To experience the many benefits of papaya, consider adding this healthy and delicious fruit to your diet. Papaya is rich in antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, flavonoids and vitamin C, as well as vitamin B (folate and pantothenic acid). It is also a good source of fiber and minerals such as magnesium. Together, these nutrients help to improve cardiovascular health and protect against colon cancer.

It Has Powerful Antioxidant Effects: Free radicals are reactive molecules created during your body’s metabolism. They do perform certain important functions, including helping to destroy harmful bacteria. However, when you have too many of them, your body is said to be in a state of oxidative stress, which can lead to disease. Antioxidants, including the carotenoids found in papayas, can neutralize free radicals so that they are no longer able to cause harm.

Papaya Has Anti-Cancer Properties: Research suggests that the lycopene in papaya can reduce cancer risk. It may also be beneficial for people who are being treated for cancer. Papaya’s cancer-fighting ability appears to be due to its ability to reduce free radicals that contribute to cancer development and progression.

The Antioxidants in Papaya May Improve Heart Health: Adding more papaya to your diet may be beneficial for your heart. Studies show that lycopene- and vitamin C-rich fruits may help prevent heart disease. The antioxidants in papaya may protect your heart and enhance the protective effects of HDL, the “good” cholesterol. Papaya’s high vitamin C and lycopene content can improve heart health and may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Papaya Fights Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is at the root of many diseases, and unhealthy foods and lifestyle choices can drive the inflammatory process. Inflammation can be measured by testing several blood markers, including C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).
Studies have shown that antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables like papaya help reduce these inflammatory markers. For example, one study showed that men who increased their intake of fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids had a significant decrease in CRP.

Papaya May Improve Digestion: The papain enzyme in the fruit can make protein easier to digest. People in the tropics consider papaya a remedy for constipation and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In one study, people who took a papaya-based formula for 40 days had significant improvement in constipation and bloating.
The seeds, leaves and roots have also been shown to be effective for treating ulcers in animal and human studies.

It Protects Against Skin Damage: In addition to keeping your body healthy, papaya can also help your skin look more toned and youthful. Excessive free radical activity is believed to be responsible for much of the wrinkling, sagging and other skin damage that occurs with age. The vitamin C and lycopene in papaya protect your skin and may help reduce these signs of aging. In one study, lycopene supplementation for 10–12 weeks decreased skin redness after sun exposure, which is a sign of skin injury.
In another, older women who consumed a mixture of lycopene, vitamin C and other antioxidants for 14 weeks had a visible and measurable reduction in depth of facial wrinkles.

Menstruation: Papaya juice can be of great help for women with irregular periods. Consumption of green, unripe papayas can also normalize the irregularity in the periodic cycle. Papayas are considered as a ‘hot food’, meaning that it produces heat in the body. This excessive production of heat in the body stimulates the estrogen hormone. This induces periods in the females. Hence, papayas can be beneficial to handle difficult periods.

Arthritis: Papayas have been known to be effective against rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. One of the enzymes found in papayas, called chemopapain, has a significant effect on controlling rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Improved Immunity: Papaya consumption has also been linked to improvement in the immunity system of the body. Research conducted by Hiramoto, Imao, Sato, Inoue, and Mori from Japan is a proof that the antioxidants present in papaya play an important role in improving the immunity system of people.

Flowers and roots of the plant have been proven to be beneficial against jaundice, bronchitis, kidney colic and other illnesses.

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