Saturday 4 November 2017

Sesame Seed Oil for Head lice Treatment

Sesame Seed Oil is high in antibacterial, antifungal and natural insecticide properties, sesame seed oil can also be used to solve the problem of head lice.

Mix together one-fourth cup of sesame seed oil, one-eighth cup of neem oil, one teaspoon of tea tree oil, one-half teaspoon of eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils, and about 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and allow it to dry. Apply the oil solution to the hair and scalp, cover with a shower cap or towel and leave it on overnight.

In the morning, comb your hair thoroughly to remove the dead lice. Then shampoo normally. Repeat this treatment daily for one or two weeks.

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