Sunday 15 January 2017

Health benefits of Singhara (Trapa bispinosa) [Shringtaka]
Water chestnut ( Shringtaka in Sanskrit or Singhara in hindi) is an aquatic vegetable, native of Asian continent and generally grown in muddy or marshy area of the land. It is having the shape of tube and its stems are without leaves. The edible part of the vegetable is the corms, which is whitish in colour. Often, they are eaten raw. They are also used after slightly boiled. They are used to make flour and cake (water chestnut cake). Singhara is rich in carbohydrate, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Singhara has been cultivated in India for at least 3000 years for its seeds. In India, one can see roadside vendors hawking this raw or boiled fruit, when it is in season.
Singhara is cultivated in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Taiwan and Australia.
Latin name- Trapa bispinosa Roxb.
Family- Trapaceae
Names in different languages:
Hindi name – Singhada
English name – Water Chestnut or Caltrops
Bengali name – Paaniphala
Gujarati name – Sheengoda
Tamil name – Singheda
Telugu name -Patigadda
Malayalam name – Karimapolam
Trikonaphala- The fruit resembles triangular shape
Jalaphala, Paniyaphala- Found in water
Shringatak- Thorns resembling horns are found on the fruit
Nutrients in Singhara or Water Chestnut (Trapa bispinosa)
Nutrient.............................................Amount/100 grams
Water........................................................48.2 g
Protein......................................................3.4 g
Fat............................................................0.2 g
Carbohydrates..........................................32.1 g
Sugars.......................................................3.3 g
Energy.......................................................730 calories
Dietary Fiber..............................................14.9 g
Calcium......................................................17.6 mg
Zinc............................................................0.4 mg
Iron.............................................................0.7 mg
Sodium.......................................................0.8 mg
Potassium..................................................468 mg

Benefits of water chestnuts
 Potassium: It has enough amount of potassium, which helps to counter the effect of sodium and good for lowering blood pressure as well as for your heart. 5 raw water chestnuts have 5% of daily recommended of your potassium intake.
Alleviate nausea: the drinking of water chestnut juice is helpful in easing out of nausea.Juice is also good for jaundice.
Lowers cardiac risks: It helps to lowers down the level of cholesterol and discourages the absorption of carbohydrate. 100 grams of it contains 2 g of fiber.
 For sleep: The presence of Vitamin B-6 is good for sleeping as well as alleviating your mood. It produces neurotransmitters that are effective for your mood and sleep.
 For measles: Boiled water of water chestnuts is good for measles patients. To treat measles, chestnuts are boiled in water and the water drunk to alleviate the infection. It is best given from the 3rd day to 9th day of symptoms.
For thyroid gland:  Due to the presence of iodine, it is effective in the proper functioning of thyroid gland.
For Hair growth: It has sufficient amount of potassium. It is also having vitamins B and E. All these nutrients are good for healthy hair.
Control loose motions: It has cooling effects and acts like as coolant.
Anti-viral: The presence of anti-oxidants like poly-phenols and flavonoids , it acts as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer and anti-fungal.
Good for skin: It helps to detoxify the body and gives overall good appearance. The paste of water chestnuts and lemon juice is good to cure eczema. A paste of the seed helps to treat cracked heels.
Regulates water retention: It has the balancing effects in the body due to the presence of enough amount of potassium and lower amount of sodium thus helps in regulation of water retention.
1.     Do not eat singhara if suffering from constipation, as it is has astringent properties and constipates.
2.     Do not drink water after eating singhara.
3.     Do not consume in excess, as it might cause bloating and abdominal pain.

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