Saturday, 3 December 2016

Most chemical catalysts catalyse a wide range of reactions. They are not usually very selective. In contrast enzymes are usually highly selective, catalysing specific reactions only. This specificity is due to the shapes of the enzyme molecules.
Many enzymes consist of a protein and a non-protein (called the cofactor). The proteins in enzymes are usually globular. The intra- and intermolecular bonds that hold proteins in their secondary and tertiary structures are disrupted by changes in temperature and pH. This affects shapes and so the catalytic activity of an enzyme is pH and temperature sensitive.
Cofactors may be:
  • organic groups that are permanently bound to the enzyme (prosthetic groups)
  • Cations - positively charged metal ions (activators), which temporarily bind to the active site of the enzyme, giving an intense positive charge to the enzyme's protein
  • Organic molecules, usually vitamins or made from vitamins (coenzymes), which are not permanently bound to the enzyme molecule, but combine with the enzyme-substrate complex temporarily.

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