Wednesday 9 November 2016

Gelatin bloom strength
An important element in determining the quality of gelatine is the firmness or strength of the set gel. This is characterized by the "Bloom" value. The higher the Bloom number, the stiffer the gelatine and, in general, the more expensive it will be, as compared with a lower bloom strength product. In cases where there is not enough amount of water to dissolve the gelatine completely, the mixture will form lumps.

Determine the load (g) necessary to produce the force which, applied to a plunger 12.7 mm in diameter, makes a depression 4 mm deep in a jelly surface at 10 °C.The equipment or apparatus is a texture analyzer or other physical measuring instrument with a cylindrical piston 12.7 ±0.1 mm in diameter, with a plane pressure surface and a sharp bottom edge. The container (jelly cup) is 59 mm ±1 mm in internal diameter and 85 mm high.

Place the gelatin in a jelly cup, add 105 mL of water, and allow to stand in a thermostatically controlled bath at 10.0 °C ±0.1 °C. Then place the cup on the platform of the physical measuring instrument. Center the cup on the platform of the apparatus so that the tip of the plunger contacts the surface of the jelly as nearly at its midpoint as possible, and start the test with 4 mm penetration distance and 0.5 mm/second penetration speed. The jelly strength is 80 % to 120 % of the indicated value.

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