Thursday 20 October 2016

The Japanese Pharmacopoeia
The Japanese Pharmacopoeia (日本薬局方?) is the official Pharmacopoeia of Japan. It is published by the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (独立行政法人 医薬品医療機器総合機構?) under the authority of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The first edition was published on 25 June, 1886, with revisions being issued from time to time. The current revision is number 16, issued on 24 March 2011.
The Japanese Pharmacopoeia 17th edition (JP XVII) English translation is fully endorsed by the society of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. It defines the specifications, criteria and standard test methods necessary to properly ensure the quality of medicines in Japan. The Japanese language edition was effective from 1st April 2016.

Key features:

·         General Notices, General Rules for Crude Drugs, General Rules for Preparations: revised and expanded.
·         Official monographs: 76 new monographs and 473 revised monographs.
·         General tests, processes and apparatus: 23 new standards and 10 revised standards.
·         Infrared reference spectra: 21 new spectra and 2 revised spectra.
·         Ultraviolet-visible reference spectra: 14 new spectra and 2 revised spectra.

The JP aims to:
1.    Include all drugs which are important from the viewpoint of health care and   medical treatment.
2.    Make qualitative improvement by introducing the latest science and technology.
3.    Promote internationalisation.
4.    Make prompt partial revision as necessary and facilitating smooth administrative operation.
5.    Ensure transparency regarding the revision, and disseminating the JP to the public.

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