Friday 28 October 2016

Medicine for Dengue Prevention and Treatment
Dengue fever is a disease caused by viruses that are transmitted to people by mosquitoes. Dengue fever usually causes fever (high, about 104 F-105 F), skin rash , and pain (headaches and often severe muscle and joint pains). The unusually severe muscle and joint pains can make people assume distorted body positions or exaggerated walking movements in an effort to reduce their pain.
Because dengue is caused by a virus, there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it, the only treatment is to treat the symptoms. For typical dengue, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms (symptomatic). Rest and fluid intake for adequate hydration is important.
There is no specific antiviral treatment currently available for dengue fever.

Supportive care with analgesics, fluid replacement, and bed rest is usually sufficient. Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) may be used to treat fever and relieve other symptoms. Aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and corticosteroids should be avoided. Management of severe dengue requires careful attention to fluid management and proactive treatment of hemorrhage.

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