Sunday 23 October 2016

Gravimetric Analysis
Gravimetric methods of analysis are based on the measurement of mass. There are two major types of gravimetric methods:
Precipitation methods: in this method the analyte is converted to a sparingly soluble precipitate. This precipitate is then filtered, washed free of impurities, and converted to a product of known composition by suitable heat treatment, and the product is weighed.
Volatilization methods: in this the analyte or its decomposition products are volatilized at a suitable temperature. The volatile product is then collected and weighed, or, alternatively, the mass of the product is determined indirectly from the loss in mass of the sample.
Properties of precipitates and precipitating reagents
A gravimetric precipitating agent should react specifically, and selectively with the analyte. The ideal precipitating reagent would react with the analyte to give a product that is
1.     Readily filtered and washed free of contaminants
2.     Of sufficiently low solubility so that no significant loss of the solid occurs during filtration and washing
3.     Unreactive with constituents of the atmosphere

4.     Of known composition after it is dried or, if necessary, ignited  

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