Sunday 23 October 2016

Coprecipitation is the phenomenon in which soluble compounds are removed from solution during precipitate formation.
There are four types of coprecipitation:
i)                   surface adsorption,
ii)                mixed-crystal formation,
iii)              occlusion,
iv)              mechanical entrapment

Surface adsorption and mixed crystal formation are equilibrium processes, whereas occlusion and mechanical entrapment arise from the kinetics of crystal growth. 

Surface Adsorption
Adsorption is a common source of coprecipitation that is likely to cause significant contamination of precipitates with large specific surface areas, that is coagulated colloids.
Coagulation of a colloid does not significantly decrease the amount of adsorption because the coagulated solid still contains large internal surface areas that remain exposed to the solvent. The coprecipitated contaminant on the coagulated colloid consists of the lattice ion originally adsorbed on the surface before coagulation and the counter ion of opposite charge held in the film of solution immediately adjacent to the particle. The net effect of surface adsorption is therefore the carrying down of an otherwise soluble compound as a surface contaminant.
Minimizing Adsorbed Impurities on Colloids
The purity of many coagulated colloids is improved by digestion. During this process, water is expelled from the solid to give a denser mass that has a smaller specific surface area for adsorption.
Washing a coagulate colloid with a solution containing a volatile electrolyte may also be helpful because any nonvolatile electrolyte added earlier to cause coagulation is displace by the volatile species. Washing generally does not remove much of the primarily adsorbed ions because the attraction between these ions and the surface of the solid is too strong. Exchange occurs, however between existing counter ions and ions in the wash liquid.

A drastic but effective way to minimize the effects of adsorption is reprecipitation, or double precipitation. Here, the filtered solid is redissolved and reprecipitated. The first precipitate ordinarily carries down only a fraction of the contaminant present in the original solvent. Thus, the solution containing the redissolved precipitate has a significantly lower contaminant concentration than the original, and even less adsorption occurs during the second precipitation. Reprecipitation adds substantially to the time required for an analysis.

Mixed-Crystal Formation
In mixed-crystal formation, one of the ions in the crystal lattice of a solid is replaced by an ion of another element. For this exchange to occur, it is necessary that the two ions have the same charge and that their sizes differ by no more than about 5%. Furthermore, the two salts must belong to the same crystal class. For example, MgKPO4, in MgNH4PO4, SrSO4 in BaSO4, and MnS in CdS.
The extent of mixed-crystal contamination increases as the ratio of contaminant to analyte concentration increases. Mixed-crystal formation is troublesome because little can be done about it. Separation of the interfering ion may have to be carried out before the final precipitation step. Alternatively, a different precipitating reagent may be used.

Occlusion and Mechanical Entrapment
When a crystal is growing rapidly during precipitate formation, foreign ions in the counter-ion layer may become trapped, or occluded, within the growing crystal.
Mechanical entrapment occurs when crystals lie close together during growth. Here, several crystals grow together and in so doing trap a portion of the solution in a tiny pocket.
Both occlusion and mechanical entrapment are at a minimum when the rate of precipitate formation is low, that is, under conditions of low supersaturation. Digestion is often remarkably helpful in reducing these types of copreipitation. The rapid solution and reprecipitation that goes on at the elevated temperature of digestion opens up the pockets and allows the impurities to escape into the solution.

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